
Sunday, February 7, 2016

How Judgment Colors Our Existence

When beginning a spiritual journey, it is important to be extremely clear about one's own idiosyncrasies, foibles or failings. Until one becomes completely clear and honest with oneself, this is a complete impossibility. Owning one's own failings is the imperative first step on the spiritual journey. Before that, it is simply lip-service. 

Judgment is the biggest culprit, from which stems most of our ills. I do not mean ills in the sense of just illness, though that is also a part. Illness comes from prolonged negative mindsets, and these mindsets all begin with judgment. We learn from the cradle on. Our parents or guardians instill values. These values may be skewed, but as children we take in these things we are taught and hold onto them, sometimes throughout our entire lives, never once doubting that what we were taught was true. In addition, we may put our own spin on these values, creating something new, that was never taught at all.

Sometimes, once we grow and mature, we are able to take a mental step back and examine these beliefs that were instilled in us with a new and fresh perspective. Sadly, far too often these things are left to fester inside as we chafe at them. Somehow they never get examined for flaws, but are swallowed whole and left there to create havoc. 
"In this way, disease is passed along in families."

Christiane Northrup is a medical doctor with a new and spiritual mindset. From her was the first time I had heard of this concept. It is our belief systems that create illness. Our parents learned their beliefs and values from their parents, who received theirs from their parents and so on. They pass their beliefs and values to their children, and we continue this by passing them along to our own children. If our beliefs and values are flawed, that is colored by judgments, then these judgments eventually create illnesses. As we pass along our own judgments, in the act of teaching our children about values and beliefs, we are also passing along the kind of belief or judgment that will eventually create that same disease in their bodies. And thus, a "genetic" disease, passed along in families. 

Not all disease is passed along in families, you might be thinking. This is correct. All disease is brought on to the self from long held beliefs. These beliefs are generally negative, and always judgmental. Whether we are judging ourselves or someone or something else, judgment lives in our every moment. From a fleeting thought ("Oh, just look at me. I look such a fright!"), to a longer held thought ("I am so fat."), to a sustained thought that might permeate the entire life ("There is never enough time!"), we are creating judgments and pronouncements constantly. All of them are negative in nature. All of them are residing in our bodies somewhere. With enough of them and over time, we become ill, and then wonder why this should happen.

These particular thoughts seem innocuous enough on the surface. If we delude ourselves into thinking these kind of thoughts are fine, could not possibly cause illness, or "everyone thinks this way", then eventually and with time, they become set in stone, so much a part of us that we cannot see beyond them. These are quite innocuous thoughts, in comparison to other possibilities, true. The idea is to identify the things we judge.
"We live in a world where there is never enough time. As this belief is passed along, all our busy, rushing lives become busier and even more rushed. This cycle cannot end until we cease stating this concept to ourselves and to others."
My Guides stated this to me one morning during meditation: 
"Every, single thing you do comes with a choice. How you choose to see a thing will color or change its appearance according to how many filters [of judgment] are applied. Judgment can take infinite forms. How do you judge your present? How do you judge what you imagine as your future? Judgment creates your concept of 'what-ifs', which are strictly inventions based on lack of trust, lack of acceptance that you are guided and cared for. In judgment, you narrow your own sight, dimming, dulling, filtering.

The only way to live is to view your world with the perfect, fresh, innocence of a child; a child who KNOWS all is well and perfect in their world."  
Another morning, I was told:
"All the body is health. 'Healing' should never be necessary, but for the constant 'filters' humans create for themselves. These filters, through which you view and experience your own particular worlds, dull down the efficiency of the body, effectively 'rusting shut a very fine piece of machinery'. This is a sad choice. A sad use of free-will."
An example of how our judgments get the upper hand was given in a vision one morning. The vision was of a huge bear, holding a tiny human infant in its arms.The bear held the infant tenderly, with no sign of danger toward the infant. Normally, one would see this huge bear holding a tiny defenseless infant and immediately conclude the infant is in danger. This scenario would be seen as dangerous and terrifying. Seeing the infant held with those tremendous claws was truly a fearful sight. Yet I was being taught that this, while seemingly true, is only based in judgment, where all the "what-if" scenarios spring to mind. I was admonished to release preconceived notions. Release judgments. 

I have been on a spiritual journey, questing for inner peace, acceptance and non-judgment for many long years. This blog is the story of how I worked past some of the many issues. Outside of spiritual questing, I am an avid cook. Join me also at "A Harmony of Flavors" Blog, Website, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I am an artist since childhood and recently began painting in acrylics.